Call A Hot Tub Repair Company To Solve These Jet Issues

When you own a hot tub, you might enjoy quiet soaks on your own or with a partner, as well as occasional hot tub parties with friends. It can be a surprise when you get into the water, turn on the jets, and notice a problem. Instead of ignoring the issue or perhaps hoping that it will rectify itself, you should look online to find a hot tub repair company in your area. You can contact the company, explain the issue with your hot tub, and schedule a service call from a repair technician. If you've noticed these jet-related issues, reach out for help.

Weak Pressure

Over time, hot tub jets can develop problems in all sorts of ways. A common issue that many people experience is having one or more jets that no longer push out water with the same pressure as they once did. When you sit down in front of a jet, you want it to push out water at a certain pressure that feels good on your body. Many people use the jets of their hot tub for self-massage, and this won't be possible if the jet is producing only a weak flow of water. Your repair technician will assess the issue and be able to either repair or replace each problematic jet.

No Water

While weak pressure can be a problem, it's even more of a concern if you notice that a jet is no longer pushing out water at all. Jets that don't work will affect your enjoyment of using the hot tub. There are several reasons why a jet may no longer push out water. For example, it may be blocked by some type of foreign body, or it's possible that it has built up deposits over the years. Whatever the case, the repair company will remove any non-working jets and replace them if repair isn't possible.


Occasionally, you'll encounter a jet in your hot tub that isn't directed in the right way. For example, it may be tilted so that it's pushing water higher than it should, resulting in water spraying out of the tub. While some people might be able to reposition the jet on their own, it's also possible that the mounting ring around the jet is broken and cannot hold the jet in the position that you want. A repair professional will replace the mounting ring and any other components to get the jet directed in the right way.

Speak to a company such as Honey Spas to find out more.
